We are here to help, support, guide, facilitate and collaborate.
We can work with your CEO or Executive Director, Board, leadership team, DEI/HR team, internal DEI committee or workgroup, ERG leaders and members, other specific individuals or teams, and/or all of your staff.
Your organization and staff will come away changed with a deeper and more holistic understanding of DEI and the day-to-day actions you can take to align your work with the organization’s DEI mission and values.
We come away changed too - we learn from and iterate our work and methodology with every client. We love being able to identify big picture patterns and themes across our work with a variety of clients, and we love being able to develop theory and practice at the same time, in concert with one another. We love being able to put lessons learned into practice in different contexts and to examine the different ways that common culture traits show up.
We are creative, innovative, responsive, empathetic, needs-focused, strategic, collaborative and visionary change agents and truth tellers who draw from our ongoing personal lived experiences as women and gender-expansive people of color as well as our professional experiences as DEI consultants.
We bring a trauma-informed approach, and we use our skills to create healing for ourselves and others.
We come not from a place of helping or empowering others, although that is often the result.
We come to this work because we hold a deep belief that it is through this work that we can best heal ourselves and create better systems of liberation for all of us.
We believe that the systems of oppression such as white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, the non-profit industrial complex, colonialism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ableism impact us all, although not equally, and will only be dismantled if dismantled together.
We like to go deep.
It can feel irresponsible not to. We are not a “one and done” type of company. We also take a holistic, integrated approach and like to keep the long view in mind.
We’re flexible, and responsive to needs but we do our best work when we’re working towards creating authentic, long-term partnerships. This doesn’t mean that there has to be a long-term commitment up front, just that this is a shared goal. There are many different ways that this can be structured.