Posts tagged #fourlevelsofoppression
The four levels of everything

I have found it incredibly helpful to think of the four levels of oppression as the four levels of everything.

In particular, I’ve found it helpful to think of these levels as the four levels where we can have an impact and create change.

This doesn’t mean we should all necessarily be trying to work all four levels at once, although I do think we should try and consider all four levels at once.

However, one of the things that can be useful to figure out is where we personally are best suited to make the most impact.

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Holding steady and centering on the most marginalized in times of crisis

Getting adjusted to the "new normal" and posing some questions.

What does anti-oppression and anti-racism work look like in a pandemic or other crisis?

How can we hold a growth mindset, create realistic plans, and promote transparency and open decision-making? How can we share rather than hoard power? How can we hold space for complexity? How can we collaborate?

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