The messy middle
The messy middle is… messy.
And it’s uncomfortable.
We’re generally not used to letting things sit unresolved. We are socialized to fix things. We are rewarded for fixing things. But sometimes, rushing in to fix things doesn’t actually fix things. Sometimes it is when we are in urgency or scarcity that we cause the most harm.
Pausing, listening, considering different perspectives, building inclusion - it all takes time and creates an even messier middle.
Healing takes time and creates and even messier middle.
Sitting in the messy middle gives us time to grapple with reality and see things as they really are.
It gives us time to grieve, which gives us the throughline to healing.
If we can give the messy middle time, we can move forward more intentionally, more consciously, more effectively.
It’s hard, sometimes excruciating, but worth it.
Banner photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash
Self-coaching for DEI Advocates and Leaders
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