Posts tagged #senseofurgency
Slowing down to speed up

We talk a lot with our clients about slowing down to speed up.

Spoiler alert: it’s a little bit of a brain hack because ideally the goal isn’t to speed up at all, at least not purely for the sake of speeding up.

However, we are so deeply socialized into the idea that “progress is bigger/more” and into a “sense of urgency” that the idea of slowing down seems so deeply impossible, ill-advised, and unsafe to the point of being ludicrous.

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Our new website is live!

Our new website is live and we invite you to take a look:

It was hard to prioritize working on this because our previous site was working! Potential clients told us they were drawn to us because of it, that we were true to how we described ourselves, and then they hired us and generally proved to be a good fit.

However, it was also based on something created three years ago and while it was still true to who we are, it didn't reflect all of the work and iteration and deepening of our methodology that has happened since then through the work with all of our incredible clients.

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