Change can happen

Change is a funny thing. I find that people, myself included, often get stuck in either being resistant to change because it's happening too fast and is out of our control or not in the direction we wanted, or being frustrated and feeling like we're banging our heads into walls and screaming into the wind because change isn't happening fast enough. Sometimes it feels like change isn't happening at all, or it's one step forward and three steps back.

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Do not give up your power by depending on others changing

What has helped me to shift out of self-pity and despair has been to focus on the ways in which I can meet my needs, rather than all of the ways that other people or the current circumstances are failing to meet my needs.

It has reminded me of how we give up our power when we depend on others changing.

It doesn’t mean that we don’t need to hold people accountable, but that we can do so while still staying connected to our agency.

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Getting creative about meeting needs

It's so interesting to me how so many of the people who are quarantined alone are suffering from isolation, and so many who are quarantined with family, especially with young kids, are suffering from a lack of alone time.

For some of us, the way we happen to be quarantined aligns better with our personality preferences than others.

And of course, some of us do not have the luxury or privilege of being quarantined at all.

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I don't have to know what to do next

The other day, someone shared with me that something they have learned, and that they've been practicing during this time, is: "I don't have to know what to do next."

Although I have known this for a while, it really hit me in the gut all over again. A sense of relief washed over me. I felt my entire body, heart, and soul exhale.

Are you holding on tightly to the idea that you have to have all the answers right now?

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Rethinking what we think of as "disruption"

What if we could shift the ways in which we have been socialized to think and behave, and adjust to having our kids around not as a disruption but as a re-integration?

An article on "Traditional Indigenous Kinship Practices at Home: Being Child-Centered During the Pandemic" gave me a completely new perspective.

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What's working in a pandemic?

What a week. Here in the US, I feel like we knew it was coming, but we weren't quite prepared for how fast, and things that seemed unthinkable just a week ago are now the "new normal." I know we are all adjusting as best we can.

I wanted to quickly reflect on and share some of the things that have been working for me during this time.

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Holding steady and centering on the most marginalized in times of crisis

Getting adjusted to the "new normal" and posing some questions.

What does anti-oppression and anti-racism work look like in a pandemic or other crisis?

How can we hold a growth mindset, create realistic plans, and promote transparency and open decision-making? How can we share rather than hoard power? How can we hold space for complexity? How can we collaborate?

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